I have just one question. Has America gone insane? Every year it seems, we come closer to civil war if not all out melt down. What is it that makes grown adults act like they are back in the sandbox days of their youth? What is it with the incessant name-calling and outright hostility that seems to permeate the public square? Why are people like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh always feeling the need to whip people into the frenzy of a wasps nest?
Yes. I know that was several questions. All rhetorical of course. Unless you would like to debate. I always welcome comments and feedback. A colleague of mine posited the question, "Do you think the availability of information has caused the public arena to devolve into something that is less than civil?" Personally, I think a lot of things have contributed to the demise of public discourse. I greater sense of anonymity is probably a huge factor in it as well. I think I am on the verge of digressing to the point of no return.
The GOP is a great example of a group that is on the path of self-destruction. Long time Republicans (always so true to the ideals of conservatism and smaller government) are finding them selves being ousted for not being conservative enough which basically means do you hate gays, love Jesus and think that Obama is a commie? The party has been hijacked by a gang of loud-mouthed thugs that think that the country's decline is due to a lack of morality on the part of the godless heathens. The fact of the matter is that since the days of Reagan, when the moral majority had a major resurgence and basically took control of the country thus beginning the decline of the middle class, The party has enjoyed a lot more time in power than the much softer-spoken Dems. Of course, the only thing people that have power fear is losing their power (thanks Revenge of the Sith).
The Dems are just as bad. In fact, I don't think there is a politician out there that isn't bought and paid for by greedy corporations. Don't look now, everyone! you've just become the unwilling victim of corporate fascism. When are we as a country going to wake up a realize that the real enemy is the one pulling the strings in the background? It is the one wielding the company checkbook all ready to doll out some bribe money to some poor sap stupid enough to get into politics. I'm not faulting the politicians, Any one of us in a similar position would do the same. "Hell yeah I want some free money! I have to do what? Rule that your mega-company has the same right to freedom of speech as an individual? Ok.
The injection of Jesus and religion itself into politics is also an interesting phenomenon. Somehow being patriotic also equates to being religious or vice-versa. I think it was Mitt Romney who said, "Freedom can't exist without religion and religion can't exist without freedom." I have to cry BULLSHIT! on that. I've always believed that one of the key reasons the Roman Empire fell, other than the fact they had spread themselves too thin much like America is now, is because they allowed themselves to be distracted by Christianity. They got so caught up in the fervor of their beliefs, that they didn't see the barbarians beating down their door until it was too late. Also much like America is now. We've been so caught up in our holy war with radical Islam, that no one is really paying much attention to little old China waiting to cash in that IOU or the homegrown evangelical zealot that's just binding his time and waiting for the moment to strike.
The time to wake up is now, people. Stop being a lackey to your corporate overlords. Stop inundating the rest of us free-thinking people with your self-righteous rhetoric about your imaginary friend that lives in the sky. Stop telling me that if I don't drive a GMC Jimmy and vote for that pig Sarah Palin, that I am not a good patriot. I wear my patriotism with pride where it belongs. In my heart.
Just one more thing. If you don't vote, you are part of the problem. I think voting should be mandatory. If you don't exercise what few freedoms you have left, you may find yourself without the proverbial pot. Just saying. I could go on all day, but I do have a gig tonight. Perhaps I will see you there.
If not, I'll see you at 4:20
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